Vision of the Institution:

To kindle the spirit of learning among the youth, irrespective of socio-economic differences, to consistently pursue excellence preserving the tradition of high reputation while meeting the challenges of globalised world.

Mission of the Institution

To Provide :

  • Equal Opportunities of Education
  • Holistic Education ensuring all-round development of students.
  • Create a human capital, which can be an assest to the nation.


Goals of the Institution:

  • To provide quality and affordable education to all the sections of society.
  • To facilitate Overall Personality Development of the students through organizing and participating in various inter and intra collegiate festivals, including physical fitness and sports.
  • To offer a large number of combinations of subjects to for greater flexibility and appropriate choice of subjects.
  • To hone the skills of the students to enhance further learning and employability job orientation.
  • To provide State-of-the art infrastructure for enrichment of the teaching-learning process.
  • To encourage the spirit of research
  • To enhance creativity and an entrepreneurial approach through industrial collaborations.
  • To encourage Physical fitness and talent in sports activity.

The interest of the students has always been at the heart of dedicated teachers, who are eminent personalities in their area of expertise.
